I Help Everyday People
Live Extraordinary Lives by
Teaching Them How to
Take Control of Their Finances and
Rewrite Their Financial Story
Become the Hero of Your Financial Journey.
Slay Your Financial Dragons, Claim Your Treasure.
Discover The System Ordinary People Are Using To Increase Their Income and Thrive in today's world

Take Up the Sword: Join a fellowship of heroes striving for financial and personal growth.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?
When I first learned of Affiliate Marketing, I had thought you could only make a few hundred dollars per month, but when I found out that 4, 5 and 6-figure a month commissions were attainable, I went all in.
Affiliate marketing is like telling your friends about a cool toy you like and getting a reward when they buy it. The best part is, you can scale this and refer anyone online to products they already need and want.
Here's how it works:
You Share
You find a product you like, like a toy or a book. The company gives you a special link to share with others.
Your Friend Buys
When your friends click your special link and buy the product, the company knows you helped.
You Get Paid
The company says "thank you" by giving you some of the money they made from the sale.
It’s like being a helper for the company and getting rewarded for sharing things you think are awesome!
About Me
I’m Jason, a knight at heart, a man of God, a husband, and father who once stood in the shadow of towering financial dragons.
Slaying a dragon is symbolic of conquering great adversity or overcoming insurmountable challenges. Within each of us is a hero who can slay the most fearsome dragons by overcoming our most challenging financial struggles.
Strengthening families and making this world a better place is at the core of who I am. My heart's desire is to teach people to take control of their financial destiny, each of us has infinite potential and endless possibilities.
My Why
Too many people are struggling financially and families in the world are falling apart. I want to help make both those aspects better for people.
This is why I am making this website, and putting together a community of everyday heroes committed to conquering their financial challenges. I truly want to make a difference in the lives of others.
I'm very big into family, when done right it is the biggest source of joy and learning in the world... aside from having a strong relationship with God.
My biggest 'Why' in my life is to inspire my kids to serve others as Jesus Christ would and to live entrepreneurial lives.
I want them to be generous not only with their money, but with their time and other resources.

From the time of writing this, 2019 was several years ago. I was tired of barely getting by paycheck to paycheck and struggling financially.
I set a personal goal to double my income in two years through investing in real estate. I miserably failed in real estate and it took me longer than 2 years.
However, by 2024 I had managed to triple my income! I went from making $32k a year to Making $100k a year.
At the time doubling my income would have had me doing well for myself.
The problem is that every time I got more money coming in, my expenses went up. After the pandemic, the cost of living doubled. They are still rising. End of 2024 my mortgage just went up $250 and my water bill doubled.
My wife (Amber) and I also adopted 5 kids and took on another 4 kids plus a disabled adult. Our tripled income in the house has still only kept me living check to check.

This is us carving a pumpkin last month
(minus the baby and Jimmie).
What I am Doing
(This Will Benefit You)
I am setting a new goal to triple my income again and get to $25k a month through Affiliate Marketing.
However, I see too many others struggling too, so this time I am inviting others to join me on their own quest.
Whoever has a strong desire to change their life, and an ethic to show up and put in some good 'ole fashioned hard work, I invite you to go on a remarkable adventure... your own personal 'hero's journey'.
I am starting an online community, FinancialProsperitySolutions.org Where I will be putting up some training courses on how to Slay Your Financial Dragons. These courses will go over:
- Managing Your Money,
- Improving Your FICO Credit Score (to 720+), and
- Increasing Your Income
This Philosophy Changed My Life!
The Master teacher taught the secret to a great life when he said. "he that will be greatest among you, let him be your servant."
He taught that service to many leads to greatness.

This unique philosophy is the formula for achieving personal greatness, it is the secret to living a great life, to obtaining great wealth, to being a great influence, to having great power, a great self-esteem.
The more you serve, the greater your fortune. The greatest knights don’t fight for gold or glory—they fight to serve. On your journey, your ultimate success will come not from focusing on yourself, but from lifting others. The more problems you solve for your community, the greater your rewards—both financial and personal.
All income ever received comes down to how we choose to serve others... Do we choose to serve others for wages, or for profits?
What if everyone fulfilled the words of the song "Till All Success Be Nobleness, And Every Gain Divine". That thought rings true to the desires in my heart.
What if everyone in this world woke up striving to make this world a better place? To be a better version of themselves? To solve problems for others they could not solve alone?
What if employers quit trying to pay as little as possible for as much work as possible, and employees quit trying to get as much pay as possible, for as little work as they can get away with?
What if everyone showed up and gave as much as they could? How much better off would everyone's life be?
Even if your employer doesn't share this philosophy, living it will open opportunities for you in your own life.
It all starts with how we as individuals show up in our own life.
While I certainly have my oddities and imperfections, I believe in working hard, in being open, honest, and transparent. I believe in always seeking to better myself and the world around me. To enable better lives through being of service.
That Philosophy is how I tripled my income the first time.
Being of the best service I could where I could opened up new opportunities for me in life, even though I was failing with my real estate endeavors.
However, like a soldier conscripted to fight in an army, working for wages is only going to take me so far (I can still work up around another $30k/year serving where I am), but I am still working for others.
Now I am embarking on my own 'Hero's Journey' and becoming a Knight in Shining Armor.
I am choosing my own adventure, and helping those who are distressed by financial dragons. I am earning the treasure that awaits being of service to many through earning profits.
My personal goal: $25k/mo or $300k/yr by the end of 2025
(When I hit this goal, I will aim for a new one)
Together, We Forge Legends!

Welcome to a realm where courage and opportunity, meets strategy. Just as every knight dons their armor to face dragons in their noble pursuit, you’ll arm yourself with cutting-edge affiliate marketing strategies to conquer financial obstacles.
Are you ready to write your legend?
In order for you to change your financial destiny, you must cut out all the noise and inputs, do one thing at a time, with focused intensity, and go all in.
Do you remember that guy who got rich: wholesaling houses, dropshipping, day trading, buying crypto, affiliate marketing, all at the same time? Me neither... Focus on one thing. That's how you win.

One of the Fallacies out there is the idea of people looking for the holy grail. The magical marketing strategy or the magical this or that... quit trying to buy magical pixie dust or unicorn dandruff.
We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.
If people are honest with themselves, most people want money for doing nothing. But what a waste of life that would be!
What happens to trust fund babies who have money just flowing in every month? Like old fruit, they become spoiled in one way or another, they are the saddest and most miserable people on earth; because the value and growth is in the earning of it.
Food when you are full is horrible, food when you are hungry is amazing. Hunger is the best sauce. Many people wish for something that if they actually had it, would make them more miserable.

Does that mean having money makes people miserable? No! Not adding value, having no meaning and purpose in life, makes people miserable.
The key is to stay hungry, keep seeking to be a better version of yourself and find more ways to be of service to the world around you.
Too many of us are willing to live in mediocrity for 30 years, instead of sacrificing for 3 years, to have freedom for the next 27 years. That is as true for the way we manage our money as it is for the way we earn it. My guidance and insights are designed exclusively for today's ambitious go-getters. People who desire a better life and are willing to work hard for it.